Eco Church
Eco church is a scheme run by Rocha UK to equip the Church of England's churches to care for God's creation through their worship, buildings, land, community engagement, and individual lifestyles.
St James has a Bronze eco award. There are five areas that a church must demonstrate environmental engagement with to receive an award:
Worship and teaching
Management of church buildings
Management of church land
Community and global engagement
Easy eco tips
Here are some easy things you can do to become more aware of our environment and how to protect it.
Enjoy nature
From bird watching to writing about or drawing something that inspires you in nature, growing your own fruit or vegetables, or exploring an area of outstanding natural beauty in the UK, be sure to fall in love with nature in a new way this coming year and allow it to lead your thoughts towards God our Creator.
Get the Merlin app to help you identify the birds you see or hear.
Go green for Lent
The weeks leading up to Easter are a time for self reflection, repentance and emulating Jesus’ obedience to the Father. Is there something you’d like to give up or take up during Lent that will enable you to reflect on God, contribute to our planet’s well-being and enhance others’ lives through sustainable, ecofriendly living?
Celebrate Spring
Immerse yourself in the sights and sounds of the season – breathe in the fragrance of blossoms, observe budding catkins, note different bird songs, spot footprints, or use the Pl@ntNet app to identify spring flowers. Nature can boost our happiness, so spend time in your garden, on your balcony, and in local green spaces. Dedicate quality time to appreciate creation’s beauty, and thank God for the hope that spring can bring.
Get the Pl@ntNet app.
Change your journeys
Re-evaluate your journeys: explore walking or cycling options, or modify your route to include some form of active travel. You could disembark a stop early and complete the remaining part of your journey on foot, indulge in a leisurely stroll, or opt for a bike ride along a cyclist-friendly route. Consider connecting with your local Ramblers or cycling group for shared experiences. Use the extra steps or the changed travel arrangements as a prompt to pray for God’s creation, nature’s preservation and the reduction in fossil fuel usage.
Say no to the mow
Mowing your lawn less and letting parts grow long saves you time and helps give nature a home. If you want to make an even bigger impact on wildlife, wait to mow your lawn or a section of it until the autumn to support even more animals.
Green your home
Combat climate change and reduce heating costs by identifying and sealing drafts around your home. Find the gaps that let the cold air in and warm air out (think keyholes, letterboxes, cracks around the edges or bottoms of windows and doors, loft hatches, floorboards, etc.) and fix these gaps using the correct materials and online tutorials. Additionally, place foil or radiator panels to reflect heat into your room. Please pray for those who cannot afford to heat their homes in the cold weather.